Celebrate Century Homes

Century Homes Calgary Celebration was a grassroots initiative to celebrate the homes constructed during Calgary’s first building boom which started in 1904, peaked in 1912 and ended with the onset of the First World War.
The project saw an exceptional level of engagement with hundreds of homeowners participating by researching their homes and displaying story signs and banners on their front lawns. The Williams and Harris Shared History Centre at Calgary Public Library is now home to the 2012 and 2013 Century Homes legacy database for the houses, which can be searched by community.
Century Homes Calgary was recognized in 2012 with the prestigious Governor General’s Award for Excellence in Community Programming , and again in 2014 with the Heritage Calgary Lion Award for Community Vitalization.

The project has ended but the celebration continues. For more, visit Century Homes Calgary.
House Portraits: Fundraiser
We are very pleased to partner with local architectural technologist, designer and digital artist, Christine Bates on House Portraits, a beautiful way to capture the essence of Calgary’s heritage homes. Christine is donating 10% of the proceeds from orders to support our ongoing advocacy efforts.
House Portraits make an excellent gift for family or friends. Upload a photo of your home to Christine’s web site and she will generate a beautiful water colour digital image. It doesn't have to be a professional photo; iPhone photos are fine. To order, go to Christine Bates House Portraits. Enquire about custom greeting cards too!
Reflecting their ongoing love of their home, the Stewarts, long time heritage supporters, recently commissioned their own House Portrait, pictured here, which is the featured example on Christine’s website.

About the Stewart Home
The Stewarts participated in Century Homes Calgary in 2012/3. This is their story.
This modest Edwardian gable front home is typical of the wood frame houses erected in Lower Mount Royal during the building frenzy of 1909 -1912 to house Calgary's burgeoning working population. Like other homes of this era, the house sits on a partial concrete foundation and features wood shingle cladding on the upper and horizontal bevelled siding on the lower exterior. The land was purchased from the CPR in 1906 and a 1 1/2 story house built in 1910/11 for an estimated cost of $1500. The property was immediately purchased by Walter E. Avis, an inspector with Alberta Government Telephone Company. Amazingly, the Avis family owned and lived in the house for the next 75 years! Family members are buried in the Burnsland Cemetery. The property has changed hands only twice since then. The interior has been upgraded, but the typical Douglas fir trim is still intact, and the oak fireplace mantel is similar to mail-order mantels advertised in the Robert Simpson Co. Ltd. catalogue of the time for $55.00.